Welcome to Jury Duty for Superior Court

Please call and listen to our 24/7 jury line for current jury trial dates at 360-875-9319. If summoned, you are summoned for the entire month. The Court appreciates your willingness to serve in this vital role as a juror. It is a service only you and your fellow citizens can provide.

We look forward to seeing you and making your experience as smooth as possible! Please continue scrolling for more information and details.

*NEW!* You can now complete your questionnaire online
clicking here or scanning the QR code below!

Please check in with the Clerk’s Office on the courthouse's second floor.
If needed, there is an elevator by the Sheriff’s Office.

March jurors: There are no more scheduled trials for March.

April jurors: The scheduled dates for the jury trial(s) are April 3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 22, 23, and 24.


EXCUSALS: For excusal/deferral requests, please use the online system. When you opt-in for e-notifications you will receive real-time updates from the Court via text message and email.

The summons will be mailed out the month before your jury term and will indicate the month you are summoned for jury duty. (For Example: If you are called for jury duty in May, you will receive your summons in April.)

Please complete the information on the Juror Questionnaire online.

If serving in the month you are called for conflicts with your schedule, you can request to reschedule your service to a different month online via the portal. (If you request to be rescheduled and the Court approves the request, a new summons will be sent to you for the month you chose.)

If you are signed up for e-notifications, you will receive a text message and email with any updates about your jury service.

If you believe you have a reason not to serve, serve for less than the normal one month, or need to defer your term, you still need to fill out the juror questionnaire for the Superior Court to review.

Trials can be settled, canceled, or rescheduled up to the day before they are scheduled

Pursuant to RCW 2.36.070, the following categories of individuals are not considered able to serve:

  • You are less than eighteen years of age;

  • You are NOT a citizen of the United States;

  • You are NOT a resident of the county in which you have been summoned to serve;

  • You are NOT able to communicate in the English language; or

  • You HAVE been convicted of a felony and have not had your civil rights restored.

Please note that if you are excused or deferred to a new date you will get a new notice. You also could be called numerous times in a fairly short time as the jury selection system is random, and does not pull you out of the selection pool if you have recently served.

There is some good information about jury service available in the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Jury Brochure which is free to download (here). You can also visit their Jury Duty site for helpful questions and answers.


Scammers are calling and writing people and saying they missed jury duty. They are not court staff or from the sheriff’s office -- they are trying to steal your money or commit identity theft. They ask for money or personal information like Social Security numbers, birth dates, or bank account information. They may threaten you, say there is a warrant for your arrest, or you owe a court fine. Stop right there. Put away your wallet. Hang up the phone and ignore the email.

Court staff will never ask potential jurors for money or confidential information over the phone, email, or mail. Do not give money or information to these people. Just hang up or ignore the message. Anyone who responded to these scams should report the incident to the police. Jury duty is a vital civic responsibility and should be taken seriously by everyone. These scams are not part of jury duty.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your name was selected at random from a jury source list put together from voter registration, driver license, and Aidenticard@ records. To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the county in which you are to serve as a juror, and you must be able to communicate in English.

  • As of August 1999, the courts have shortened the term of service. The jury term in Pacific County is one (1) month which you are usually only called in one time or one (1) trial. Keep in mind, if you are chosen to sit as a juror the trial may last longer than one week. most trials in Superior Court last 1 to 3 days.

  • The compensation for jury service is $10.00 per day and a mileage fee based on the address on file in our system. The mileage reimbursement rate used is the current rate for the State of Washington.

  • You will report to the Pacific County Clerk’s Office located on the second floor of the courthouse, located at 300 Memorial Drive, South Bend, WA 98586. If you need an elevator, there is one next to the Sheriff’s Office.

  • There are several places for lunch in and around South Bend. We recommend Betzys, Elixir, or Chens if you didn’t pack a lunch. It is pretty standard that we have a jury selected and seated by the lunch hour, but is not always the case.

  • Every case is unique. If you are not chosen on the final jury panel for a jury trial, you could be excused anytime throughout the day.

  • You may request to reschedule your jury service as an alternative to being excused. Please write your request on the jury questionnaire you received and mail the summons to the court.

    If you have health issues and wish to be permanently removed, please send a doctor's note stating that they would like you to be "permanently removed due to health issues."

    There is no need to divulge your medical records to court staff.

    By law, the Clerk cannot excuse jurors due to work-related burdens. RCW 2.36.100

    Jurors need to check in to report to the Honorable Judge to explain burdens.

  • There could be several reasons why this is happening.

    The addresses and names are chosen at random. The addresses are updated monthly. If you move within the year, again, you will receive a summons. If the name on your driver's license says, "John A Doe" and your voter registration says "John Allen Doe," the system considers two different individuals.

    If your trial was canceled, your badge number is returned to the generator for another chance of being summoned. The rest is done on the calendar year. January to December. In theory, one could be chosen in December and another in January.

    Always give us a call for any questions or issues you may have.

    We can check the system for any address glitches and double names.

    We can always move your service to a better time for your schedule once you are chosen.

  • Thank you for submitting your questionnaire! Now, it is up to you to call the jury line the day before you are scheduled to report to see if the trial is still scheduled. When in doubt, please don’t hesitate to call our office at 360-875-9320.

  • The night before Jury, call to see if your panel still has to report.


    This number is updated daily.